Vendor Managed Inventory Service
Sekai Technology LLC
Was started by professionals who have vast experience and knowledge within the automotive manufacturing environment. Sekai Technology provides technical support and outsourced engineering solutions to the automotive industry and manufacturing organizations.
Sekai Technology LLC was established in McAllen TX, USA, opening a sales office.
Sekai Technology S.A de C.V was established in Reynosa, Mex. as VMI warehouse and OBA sorting activities.
Sekai Technology was opened in San Juan del Rio Queretaro, MEX.
Sekai Technology opened McAllen VMI center for Warehousing and OBA.
Sekai Technology opened Monterrey VMI center for Warehousing and OBA.
Sekai Technology opened Reynosa North Park VMI center for Warehousing and OBA.
At Sekai Technology.
We are committed to providing the best Inventory Management and Inspection and Rework solutions, meeting the requirements of our customers and the applicable legal requirements, satisfying the needs of customers to be leaders in the market, promoting risk prevention management, which protects our supply chain from illicit activities that go against the security and integrity of the company, employees and our customers, continuously improving our comprehensive management system and the staff that works in it.
Location of Head Quarters, VMI and OBA Centers
Parque Industrial Milenium Center
Apodaca, N.L MX